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My Experience Reading Godlob

Title: Godlob Author: Danarto Year: 2004 "Wahai, kembang-kembang yang jelita. Mengenal kalian seperti mengenal semesta. Suatu kebahagiaan. Dan lantas kita ngomong-ngomong dan berkelakar. Tetapi sekarang aku lapar. Kalian makananku satu-satunya. Dan itu berarti pembunuhan." I know I am 8 months late, but this is my first Indonesian book that I read in 2020. This book consists of 9 short stories written by Danarto. All the stories were written in 1968 but the book was printed in 2004. This book was originally belong to my mother. I think she owned this a long long time ago. When I moved out, I remember that I found this book on the storage room. After high school, I barely read Indonesian books, so, I was kind of having high hopes with "Godlob" It took longer for me to read this book because: 1. All the stories is realism and 2. I am not used with the writing style so my brain needs to process the words a little bit longer than usual. Exactly, reading this book is a w
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